Zels Sorathiya


Born: 7/10/2006

Birth-Place: Gondal, Gujarat

Age: 13

Occupation:8thpass(As of now)

Home Town: Surat,Gujarat,India


Zels Sorathiya

Student - Web developing learner

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  • Education :

    Gajera Gujarati Medium School (2009-2009,6 months)

    Devine Medium School(2010-2011,1 year)

    Civilize Modern School(2011-2016,5 year)

    Muni International School (2016-2017,1 year)

    Civilize Modern School (2017-2020,till today date)

    Daxa Sorathiya

    Paresh Sorathiya

    About me

    I was born in Gondal. I am a student of Civilize Modern School. I am studying in 9th grade. I am 13 years old. My interests lie in the area of web design, app development, and robotics. I like studying, writing, reading, solving Rubik's cube. I am a child but I want to do some big things for my nation.

    My home town is surat. My father's name is Pareshbhai and My mother's name is Daxaben. I am into development since 2018 and still improving my skills.

    How I get attracted to computer and computer languages.

    At the age of 9 when I was a kid, I wanted to become like a robot but then I realized that I cannot be a robot, then I thought that I want to make a humanoid robot which can talk, which can hear, which can do the same stuff as human. Again I thought that how would I install the software in the robot. So I decided to be a software developer. That's how folks, I get attracted to the computer and computer languages.

    Knowledge that I have

    I know basic of html and css. I had completed CCC(course on computer concept) and I had get most of the knowledge from the youtube and google. and also from books which my neighbour gave me.

    What can I make

    I can make a REGISTRATION FORM , TABLE , I can link pages , I can make a picture map , I can add images to the page , I can add framesets , and much more.

    Let's meet up

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  • This website was made by Zels Sorathiya.©copyright 2020